But this place is far from the pretty and peaceful all-about-helping-women environment they are trying to portray. Any supposed health facility that offers abortion -the murder of children- is a place of evil and death and darkness; but disturbing and down-right frightening details have recently emerged in regards to Aaron Women's Clinic and the illegal things that have been taking place there for years.
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Aaron Women's Clinic |
The abortionist that practices at this clinic is Douglas Allan Karpen. On May 13, 1988, Karpen performed an abortion on 15 year old Denise Montoya, when she was 25 1/2 weeks pregnant. Complications immediately developed after the procedure and Denise was taken to the hospital, where she eventually died of complications both directly and indirectly related to the abortion.
A medical malpractice lawsuit was filed against Douglas Karpen and Richard Cunningham, on behalf of one of their patients, Nicolette Cormier. The abortionists refused to cease the patient's third trimester abortion, even after she decided she no longer wanted to go through with it. Cormier ended up in the hospital where she delivered a premature infant weighing in at 1 lb, 13 oz. The baby later died, despite intensive medical care.
I also found a 911 transcript from 2005, describing aborted babies in a sewage spill at Karpen's clinic. Here are some specific parts of the transcript:
Caller: I have an inspector out at a medical waste scene and this is beyond our capability. He's found human body parts...
Dispatcher: O.K.
Caller: and fetuses. Can you send a police officer out here?
Dispatcher: O.K., and what office are you with?
Caller: Health dept.
Health dept...and we can handle normal medical waste, but this is beyond us. He says he can see fetuses and fingers and everything.
And we haven't even gotten to the worst of it.
Three of Karpen's former employees have come forward to tell of the horrid things they witnessed and took part in during their time at Aaron Women's Clinic. One woman, Deborah Edge, worked at the clinic for roughly 15 years before leaving in March of 2011. She testified to seeing 3 or 4 babies born alive every day at Karpen's clinic, and explained in detail the different methods he used to kill those babies.
She claimed that he would sever the spinal cord of a baby born alive, or insert a surgical instrument into the soft spot of the baby's skull. Sometimes he would deliver the babies feet first, and their little toes would wiggle, until he would stab the baby with a surgical instrument. Their toes would suddenly flare out in pain, and then go limp. Other times he would twist the baby's head completely off their neck with his bare hands.
If the baby was oversize, Karpen would have to rip the baby apart piece by piece. "Sometimes he couldn't get the fetus out. He would yank pieces, piece by piece, when they were oversize. And I'm talking about the whole floor dirty. I'm talking about me drenched in blood."
Now think back to the beginning of this post. Does this sound like they care about women having "world class care"? Does this really sound like it is about women at all? Or does this sound like it's about murder, and money, and greed?
And just like with the Gosnell case, the media is silent; but even worse than that, Christians are silent! There are over 2,000 churches in Houston, and there is not a single Christian ministering at this clinic and defending those babies. Just the thought of all of those babies, late term or not, being taken there to be murdered with nobody to help them makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm sure the things described above are disturbing to you-as they should be. May your disturbance stir you to action on behalf of the unborn, and preparation for the spiritual battle that is pro-life ministry!
"Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle-my loving kindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, my shield and the One in whom I take refuge, who subdues my people under me." ~ Psalm 144:1
~ Kaitlin