Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Abortion Mill- Wednesday, November 27th, '13

Today was quiet. We were only able to have a few interactions, one of which went like so:

 Me: "Are you looking for A Preferred Women's Health Center?"

Elderly woman: "Yes, I think so."

M: "Will you pull over and talk with us before you go inside?". She was in her car with a girl in the passenger seat, who appeared to have Down Syndrome.

E.W: "I don't want to talk; I already know what you're going to say. And the baby isn't going to be 'right'.".

M: "But it's still a baby, and that baby still has the right to live."

E.W, with a smile: "God has answered our prayers."

Jessica (fellow sidewalk counselor) and I had one of those moments where your mind goes completely blank and you have absolutely no idea what to say. I, literally, blinked at her a few times in shock as she continued to smile, shrugged her shoulders and drove towards the mill. We hear foolish things such as this all the time, but some of the things these people say still manage to surprise me.

"A" and "C" are a young couple Jessica and her sister Jennifer counseled shortly before we left for the day. They went in after being counseled but ended up coming back out and deciding to leave. They still aren't 100% sure about keeping their baby, but the counselor who gave them a ride home has their number and is going to call them. Pray for them!

~ Kaitlin

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Sovereign Zone

I was recently reading an excellent article, and it happens to piggy back the last abortion myth post I did.  So here it is, real quick.

In his essay, Sovereign Zone, Timothy Brahm addresses a side of pro-choice arguments often forgotten.  As we are continuing to see, women don't necessarily deny that the fetus is a baby.  They believe it's OK to do what they want because the life is in their body which is their "sovereign zone."  In his essay he gives several excellent examples of how to talk to people who believe this, as well as just de-bunking the thought in its entirety.

Please read it!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Abortion Myth #6

"Your body, your choice!"
Can I just tell you how fed up I get with the "pro-choice" arguments/chants sometimes?  They are false for one thing, and misleading for another, and then just flat out aggravating when yelled at you for hours on end.  This one is no exception.

A "fetus" (little one in Latin) is not your body.  You do not have two distinct sets of DNA, nor do you have two hearts, two heads, 4 arms, or two livers.

The baby is not an organ of yours, because, well, just because humans are not stomachs, or other body parts like that. It's impossible.  If you are pregnant, the child is not working inside of you as an intestine.  It's growing how human beings should, as a human being, in the womb of it's mother.  How you could claim that a child is part of a your organs I really do not know.

The baby is not a "clump" of YOUR cells, anymore than I am a "clump" of YOUR cells.  I am a "clump" of MY cells, and your baby is a "clump" of HIS/HER own cells.  Though I don't prefer to use the term "clump," since I don't think it very fitting.  If you were to scientifically test the tiniest child that had just been conceived, he/she would be different from you.  It was your cell until conception, but then it became part of another person.

Children are not parasites.  Getting pregnant is different than getting worms.  Having worms inside of you is a parasite.  It's not natural, and it's gross.  Having your own child growing in your womb is not gross.  It's completely natural, and it's amazing.  It's part of life.  It's the way children are "made."  It's a baby!  Just because you do not want something, does not make it a parasite.

Because it is no longer "your body" making the choice, it's not really your choice to make anymore.  Yes, parents have authority over their young children, but not the authority to kill them!  It is in God's authority who lives and who dies.  Job 1:21 "...The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away." That "choice" is not really up to us, but up to God.
