Can you imagine what it must have been like to be Mary? She was a 14 or 15 year old girl, a virgin, betrothed to a man named Joseph, living in a time period when being pregnant outside of marriage was a very shameful thing. In this day and age, getting pregnant out of wedlock is pretty typical. In Mary's time it was shameful, disgraceful- scandalous. Put yourself in her shoes for a moment.
Imagine God the Father sending the angel Gabriel to your house one day to deliver a message. The message is this; You will conceive a son. His name will be Jesus and He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end. Whoa. You are, of course, in a state of slight shock and confusion- you find yourself asking, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?". Gabriel's reply is "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy- the Son of God."
You have just been told that you will conceive and give birth to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace- the Son of God. You're young, engaged to be married, and living in a time and place where you will be, at best, looked down upon. You could very likely have to leave your home and family, and possibly be stoned to death. I believe it's safe to say that most of us wouldn't be too enthusiastic about this situation. But what was Mary's response?
"Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.". And then she proceeded to sing praises to God!
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name." -Luke 1:46-49
And what about Joseph? The girl he was planning to marry was unexpectedly pregnant, and not by him. If you were in his position, what would YOU have done? This obviously wasn't a walk in the park for him, either! The Bible said that he was a just man and unwilling to put Mary to shame, so he planned to call off the marriage. But an angel appeared to him in a dream and said,
"Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." -Matthew 1:20-21
You know what Joseph did?
"When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him..." -Matthew 1:24
He did as the angel of the Lord commanded him. Unlike so many men we encounter at abortion mills, Joseph wasn't a coward; he decided to do the right thing and not take the easy way out. Both of these people's lives were flipped completely upside down, and it was hard; but they placed their trust in the Lord instead of taking matters into their own hands. Because of their faith in Him, Jesus was brought into this world to die for you and me so that we could be forgiven by God and escape an eternity in hell!
The point is this: if they did it, so can you. No matter your circumstance.
~ Kaitlin
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
The Gatekeeper
Though my family and I normally minister at the Latrobe abortion mill, we do sometimes minister at another one in Charlotte. We were there one morning and had the joy of meeting Mr. Russell, the Gatekeeper. We got to talking, and he happens to have written a very sweet book about his experiences at the abortion mill. I've read the whole book, and had a hard time deciding which story to post since they were all so good. He shares his experiences from starting out in prayer to engaging the women.
"Many years ago I was given the name Mr. Whiskers. I'm often called that name by seminar participants, work associates, and friends. I sometimes write under that name. that changed. I got a new nickname.
I arrived a little early and relieved Katherine. She was the only one there-no Sidewalk Counselor today. She asked if I minded covering Hebron (the abortion mill) alone and I said no. A little apprehensive, but also thinking the along time would be good for praying.
As Katherine left, I stood on the grass along the fence near the sign. As I prayed I was irresistibly drawn to "the gate,"-the place where the cars entered. There was a barren spot of red clay there where the Sidewalk Counselors stood. I didn't know what to do or what to say-but I knew I HAD to stand at the gate. Had to reach out to those coming and going.
Completely overwhelmed and humbled-each day that I returned, if there was no one at the gate, I took my place there. The desire of my heart was to stand in the gap, to be a shield, to be a guardian, to stand against entry. With that I became the Gatekeeper. A designation I accepted with humility and honor." ~Russell Justice
Ezekiel 3:18 "Suppose I tell you that wicked people will surely die, but you don't warn them or speak out so that they can change their wicked ways in order to save their lives. Then these wicked people will die because of their sin, but I will hold you responsible for their deaths."
"Many years ago I was given the name Mr. Whiskers. I'm often called that name by seminar participants, work associates, and friends. I sometimes write under that name. that changed. I got a new nickname.
I arrived a little early and relieved Katherine. She was the only one there-no Sidewalk Counselor today. She asked if I minded covering Hebron (the abortion mill) alone and I said no. A little apprehensive, but also thinking the along time would be good for praying.
As Katherine left, I stood on the grass along the fence near the sign. As I prayed I was irresistibly drawn to "the gate,"-the place where the cars entered. There was a barren spot of red clay there where the Sidewalk Counselors stood. I didn't know what to do or what to say-but I knew I HAD to stand at the gate. Had to reach out to those coming and going.
Completely overwhelmed and humbled-each day that I returned, if there was no one at the gate, I took my place there. The desire of my heart was to stand in the gap, to be a shield, to be a guardian, to stand against entry. With that I became the Gatekeeper. A designation I accepted with humility and honor." ~Russell Justice
Ezekiel 3:18 "Suppose I tell you that wicked people will surely die, but you don't warn them or speak out so that they can change their wicked ways in order to save their lives. Then these wicked people will die because of their sin, but I will hold you responsible for their deaths."
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Abortion Mill- December 4th, '13
"This is my decision! You're stupid!"
That's the first thing I heard when we got to the abortion mill; a woman yelling at a sidewalk counselor. It was a lovely way to start our morning.
On most Wednesdays, you see a lot of women coming for their post-abortion check ups. Today, not so much. There were 17 cars in the parking lot after the abortionist arrived; 17 babies murdered. One girl told us, "I'm not here for an abortion, I'm getting a shot so I'll be able to have babies in the future.". I've never heard of such a thing, but regardless of whether that exists or not, that isn't what she was there for. People say things like this to us all the time, assuming that we don't know that APWHC doesn't offer anything non-abortion related. Another woman walked inside blowing us kisses...I wish I was kidding.
One baby was definitely saved today, and there are two we aren't 100% sure about, but both of these couples left waving, one smiling, and didn't come back while we were there. Praise the Lord!
~ Kaitlin
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Abortion Mill- Wednesday, November 27th, '13
Today was quiet. We were only able to have a few interactions, one of which went like so:
Me: "Are you looking for A Preferred Women's Health Center?"
Elderly woman: "Yes, I think so."
M: "Will you pull over and talk with us before you go inside?". She was in her car with a girl in the passenger seat, who appeared to have Down Syndrome.
E.W: "I don't want to talk; I already know what you're going to say. And the baby isn't going to be 'right'.".
M: "But it's still a baby, and that baby still has the right to live."
E.W, with a smile: "God has answered our prayers."
Jessica (fellow sidewalk counselor) and I had one of those moments where your mind goes completely blank and you have absolutely no idea what to say. I, literally, blinked at her a few times in shock as she continued to smile, shrugged her shoulders and drove towards the mill. We hear foolish things such as this all the time, but some of the things these people say still manage to surprise me.
"A" and "C" are a young couple Jessica and her sister Jennifer counseled shortly before we left for the day. They went in after being counseled but ended up coming back out and deciding to leave. They still aren't 100% sure about keeping their baby, but the counselor who gave them a ride home has their number and is going to call them. Pray for them!
~ Kaitlin
Me: "Are you looking for A Preferred Women's Health Center?"
Elderly woman: "Yes, I think so."
M: "Will you pull over and talk with us before you go inside?". She was in her car with a girl in the passenger seat, who appeared to have Down Syndrome.
E.W: "I don't want to talk; I already know what you're going to say. And the baby isn't going to be 'right'.".
M: "But it's still a baby, and that baby still has the right to live."
E.W, with a smile: "God has answered our prayers."
Jessica (fellow sidewalk counselor) and I had one of those moments where your mind goes completely blank and you have absolutely no idea what to say. I, literally, blinked at her a few times in shock as she continued to smile, shrugged her shoulders and drove towards the mill. We hear foolish things such as this all the time, but some of the things these people say still manage to surprise me.
"A" and "C" are a young couple Jessica and her sister Jennifer counseled shortly before we left for the day. They went in after being counseled but ended up coming back out and deciding to leave. They still aren't 100% sure about keeping their baby, but the counselor who gave them a ride home has their number and is going to call them. Pray for them!
~ Kaitlin
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
The Sovereign Zone
I was recently reading an excellent article, and it happens to piggy back the last abortion myth post I did. So here it is, real quick.
In his essay, Sovereign Zone, Timothy Brahm addresses a side of pro-choice arguments often forgotten. As we are continuing to see, women don't necessarily deny that the fetus is a baby. They believe it's OK to do what they want because the life is in their body which is their "sovereign zone." In his essay he gives several excellent examples of how to talk to people who believe this, as well as just de-bunking the thought in its entirety.
Please read it!
In his essay, Sovereign Zone, Timothy Brahm addresses a side of pro-choice arguments often forgotten. As we are continuing to see, women don't necessarily deny that the fetus is a baby. They believe it's OK to do what they want because the life is in their body which is their "sovereign zone." In his essay he gives several excellent examples of how to talk to people who believe this, as well as just de-bunking the thought in its entirety.
Please read it!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Abortion Myth #6
"Your body, your choice!"
Can I just tell you how fed up I get with the "pro-choice" arguments/chants sometimes? They are false for one thing, and misleading for another, and then just flat out aggravating when yelled at you for hours on end. This one is no exception.
A "fetus" (little one in Latin) is not your body. You do not have two distinct sets of DNA, nor do you have two hearts, two heads, 4 arms, or two livers.
The baby is not an organ of yours, because, well, just because humans are not stomachs, or other body parts like that. It's impossible. If you are pregnant, the child is not working inside of you as an intestine. It's growing how human beings should, as a human being, in the womb of it's mother. How you could claim that a child is part of a your organs I really do not know.
The baby is not a "clump" of YOUR cells, anymore than I am a "clump" of YOUR cells. I am a "clump" of MY cells, and your baby is a "clump" of HIS/HER own cells. Though I don't prefer to use the term "clump," since I don't think it very fitting. If you were to scientifically test the tiniest child that had just been conceived, he/she would be different from you. It was your cell until conception, but then it became part of another person.
Children are not parasites. Getting pregnant is different than getting worms. Having worms inside of you is a parasite. It's not natural, and it's gross. Having your own child growing in your womb is not gross. It's completely natural, and it's amazing. It's part of life. It's the way children are "made." It's a baby! Just because you do not want something, does not make it a parasite.
Because it is no longer "your body" making the choice, it's not really your choice to make anymore. Yes, parents have authority over their young children, but not the authority to kill them! It is in God's authority who lives and who dies. Job 1:21 "...The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away." That "choice" is not really up to us, but up to God.
Can I just tell you how fed up I get with the "pro-choice" arguments/chants sometimes? They are false for one thing, and misleading for another, and then just flat out aggravating when yelled at you for hours on end. This one is no exception.
A "fetus" (little one in Latin) is not your body. You do not have two distinct sets of DNA, nor do you have two hearts, two heads, 4 arms, or two livers.
The baby is not an organ of yours, because, well, just because humans are not stomachs, or other body parts like that. It's impossible. If you are pregnant, the child is not working inside of you as an intestine. It's growing how human beings should, as a human being, in the womb of it's mother. How you could claim that a child is part of a your organs I really do not know.
The baby is not a "clump" of YOUR cells, anymore than I am a "clump" of YOUR cells. I am a "clump" of MY cells, and your baby is a "clump" of HIS/HER own cells. Though I don't prefer to use the term "clump," since I don't think it very fitting. If you were to scientifically test the tiniest child that had just been conceived, he/she would be different from you. It was your cell until conception, but then it became part of another person.
Children are not parasites. Getting pregnant is different than getting worms. Having worms inside of you is a parasite. It's not natural, and it's gross. Having your own child growing in your womb is not gross. It's completely natural, and it's amazing. It's part of life. It's the way children are "made." It's a baby! Just because you do not want something, does not make it a parasite.
Because it is no longer "your body" making the choice, it's not really your choice to make anymore. Yes, parents have authority over their young children, but not the authority to kill them! It is in God's authority who lives and who dies. Job 1:21 "...The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away." That "choice" is not really up to us, but up to God.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Pictures that Awaken the Soul
We have another guest blogger! Eliana is a wonderful, godly woman that I have had the privledge of ministering with at one of our local abortion mills for the last several months. She's written a great blog post for us; her love for Jesus and unborn children shows in her writing, and I love it! Thanks for writing for us, Eliana!
I realize that many people have a sincere concern about the public display of graphic abortion pictures. But when it comes to fighting for the lives of children in the womb, it is absolutely necessary. When those heart-breaking pictures of distorted baby bodies are shown, people become nervous, angry, and awfully offensive. Of course none of us like to look at them, and I do find it understandable when the average secular person gets upset upon seeing a display of graphic abortion pictures- BUT I am so dissapointed when a fellow Christian claims that showing the victims of an abortion is “too much.”
Just as our faith demands that we face head-on the brutality that Jesus underwent for our sake in His Death, and to share this truth with our children and with the world- we are also to face directly the brutality being done to the 3,500 babies who are created in the image of God and are being slaughtered daily. Our intent in showing graphic abortion pictures is rooted in LOVE: Love of God, first of all, Love for the babies He created and who are victimized by abortion, and Love for the parents who are considering abortion-as we do not want them to do something that is so wrong and will cause a lifetime of remorse. Our purpose in showing these graphic abortion pictures is NOT to condemn, but to AWAKEN. Throughout American history, ALL successful social reform movements have used images that depict victims of maltreatment and violence. Public support for such reforms would have NEVER been acquired without publicly showing graphic images of the victims. The horrors of the holocaust have more impact when you see pictures from the extermination camps. Consider the case of Emmett Till and the tremendous impact that those pictures of his distorted body had on the entire country. Consider the effect of pictures of the civil rights movement- They put these kinds of pictures in history books so that we may never forget and never repeat such evil. So yes, It is crucial that we show photos of aborted babies, especially to someone who is considering an abortion. It brings to light the darkness behind abortion.
So why do Pro-abortion groups despise us for displaying graphic abortion pictures? Because they know that it changes hearts and awakens the conscience. Because it exposes truth! Ephesians 5:11- And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
~Eliana Smith
I realize that many people have a sincere concern about the public display of graphic abortion pictures. But when it comes to fighting for the lives of children in the womb, it is absolutely necessary. When those heart-breaking pictures of distorted baby bodies are shown, people become nervous, angry, and awfully offensive. Of course none of us like to look at them, and I do find it understandable when the average secular person gets upset upon seeing a display of graphic abortion pictures- BUT I am so dissapointed when a fellow Christian claims that showing the victims of an abortion is “too much.”
Just as our faith demands that we face head-on the brutality that Jesus underwent for our sake in His Death, and to share this truth with our children and with the world- we are also to face directly the brutality being done to the 3,500 babies who are created in the image of God and are being slaughtered daily. Our intent in showing graphic abortion pictures is rooted in LOVE: Love of God, first of all, Love for the babies He created and who are victimized by abortion, and Love for the parents who are considering abortion-as we do not want them to do something that is so wrong and will cause a lifetime of remorse. Our purpose in showing these graphic abortion pictures is NOT to condemn, but to AWAKEN. Throughout American history, ALL successful social reform movements have used images that depict victims of maltreatment and violence. Public support for such reforms would have NEVER been acquired without publicly showing graphic images of the victims. The horrors of the holocaust have more impact when you see pictures from the extermination camps. Consider the case of Emmett Till and the tremendous impact that those pictures of his distorted body had on the entire country. Consider the effect of pictures of the civil rights movement- They put these kinds of pictures in history books so that we may never forget and never repeat such evil. So yes, It is crucial that we show photos of aborted babies, especially to someone who is considering an abortion. It brings to light the darkness behind abortion.
So why do Pro-abortion groups despise us for displaying graphic abortion pictures? Because they know that it changes hearts and awakens the conscience. Because it exposes truth! Ephesians 5:11- And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
~Eliana Smith
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
A mother sits weeping on the edge of her bed. In her mind she is continually seeing that ultrasound screen. She is sobbing as she remembers the heartbeat that was there no longer. She grieves the loss of her child-though never to breath air on earth-it was still her baby. She wishes she could have cradled the little one in her arms and raised her son or daughter to adulthood. This baby meant just as much to her as her other children and was already a treasured member of the family. Her heart is crying.
Sitting in a red chair, in a little brick building, is another mother. She squeezes the few hundred bucks in her hand and can't wait to just get this over with. In her womb is a living child, totally unaware of the upcoming destruction. The mother thinks to herself about how great life will be after the abortion. She envisions her college grades and smiles. In the room next to her the vacuum machine that will be used to tear her baby to shreds is being prepared. Her heart is hardened.
It is so sad to think, that there are women who have miscarried, and lost the baby they had waited for so expectantly. That there are some women who are barren, and want children ever so badly. But yet there are millions of women who kill the very children God blessed them with. Every child is wanted! Wanted by the people that have lost their own, wanted by the people who cannot conceive, wanted by GOD.
Job 10:12 "You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit."
Sitting in a red chair, in a little brick building, is another mother. She squeezes the few hundred bucks in her hand and can't wait to just get this over with. In her womb is a living child, totally unaware of the upcoming destruction. The mother thinks to herself about how great life will be after the abortion. She envisions her college grades and smiles. In the room next to her the vacuum machine that will be used to tear her baby to shreds is being prepared. Her heart is hardened.
It is so sad to think, that there are women who have miscarried, and lost the baby they had waited for so expectantly. That there are some women who are barren, and want children ever so badly. But yet there are millions of women who kill the very children God blessed them with. Every child is wanted! Wanted by the people that have lost their own, wanted by the people who cannot conceive, wanted by GOD.
Job 10:12 "You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit."
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Stop Harassing the Women!
We've got a little surprise for ya'll today! A guest post! Kaitlin and I have been talking about spreading out the blog to include more Christians involved with abortion by doing guest posts. We have just recently been privileged to meet a godly young lady, Anna Misko, and she has agreed to write an article for the blog. Yay! She has a blog called "A Handmaiden of the Lord...", which I would strongly encourage ya'll to check out! And if you'd like to follow her as well, that would be sweet :).
She's our first guest poster, and will hopefully post again. She not only has a heart Jesus, but she has a heart for writing as well. I think this post is excellent, and I think you will too. Thank you so much Anna! It's title is "Stop Harassing the Women!"
Have you heard that before? Or something like “You only think about the
fetus”, “You’re ignoring the mother”, “You don’t care about anything or anyone
except babies”, or “You’re not looking at things from the woman’s point of
view. You should care about her, too”.
Pro-lifers are often accused of only caring about the unborn child, not
the mother, father, family, friends, or even the child once he or she is born.
However, a person who only cares about the unborn child is not thoroughly
pro-life. If a person is really pro-life, they will be just as concerned about
the mother’s life as the child’s. There is nothing about being pro-life that
restricts who the subject must be – young, old, male, female, child, parent.
Neither should there be a restriction on what type of life – physical, spiritual, emotional, mental.
We already know that the unborn child is destroyed by abortion, and
thus every pro-lifer wants to save the baby. The need to help the child is
obvious. But what about the mother? Does abortion hurt her? If it doesn’t, then
she doesn’t need help, and thus the accusation about not helping the mother would
not apply. Let’s look at some facts and testimonies from women who have had
abortions and see what we find about the mother’s need.
According to an article titled “PsychologicalReactions Reported after Abortion”, over half of the women surveyed
reported strong feelings of guilt, shame, and self-condemnation after their
abortions. 55% of post-abortive women indicated they had strongly considered or
attempted suicide, 89% said that they experienced negative reactions to their
abortion (86% of those women would not have had an abortion if they could do it
over), and many increased their use of alcohol and drugs.
Another study, outlined in the article
“Abortion Risks: A list of major physical complications related to abortion”, noted
that women who had abortions were six times more likely to commit suicide than
women who had carried their babies to term. Other health issues such as
cervical, ovarian, and breast cancer, ectopic pregnancy, and complications during
later pregnancies were found to be far more common in women who had previously
had abortions.
Beyond the facts, countless post-abortive
mothers have deep regrets and emotional wounds from having had an abortion.
Here are a few statements from some of these women:
Anna writes, “The guilt and pain from my decision that
day still haunts me. I wish I could go back in time and undo that.”
From someone telling the story of a post-abortive mother: “There
was one more thing that no one told Marquis at the abortion clinic, and that
was how broken she was going to be. That she would spend years and years trying
to fill a void with everything from people to experiences to alcohol because
there was an aching need inside of her that she just didn’t know how to fix.”
Hannah laments, “I wish abortion was never legal, and I never
would have had that choice, because I would be with my child, and my life would
not be so full of pain and regret.”
Lori shares, “The nightmares began immediately. I
was isolated in my intense pain and grief. I experienced depression, anxiety,
mistrust, and feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem. It took months,
but at some point I succeeded in rejecting my experience, denying my hurt, and
suppressing all thought surrounding abortion. I numbed my pain but it did not
really go away; it just waited.”
These testimonies are a tiny sampling of the heartache and turmoil that
post-abortive mothers experience (for more, see After Abortion Testimonies). These
are not the exception, they are the rule. Everywhere you turn, women are
grieving because of abortion, often silently and under a pretense of being just
These statistics and testimonies show us that most, if not all, women
suffer terribly from abortion. In fact, we could say that abortion harms the
woman more than it harms the baby. That may seem like a strange statement because
the baby loses its life. However, death is as far as it goes for the baby. For
the mother, on the other hand, there can be a lifetime of physical, spiritual,
emotional, and mental pain and anguish. She will have to live with the ongoing
consequences of having killed her child. Many of these women will have deep
scars for the rest of their lives.
The father of the child, as well as family and friends, are also deeply
affected by abortion, as illustrated by the following statements:
Jerald, a father, says, “Aborting
our child actually seemed convenient at the time and was kept a total secret.
What I didn't realize then was how this would affect me for the next 30
plus years of my life. Without my even realizing it, the guilt of what I
had been part of created anxiousness, anxiety, and an anger hidden deep inside
of me that I just could not understand.”
One person wrote a letter
to her aborted half-sibling, asking, “Is it
possible to miss someone you’ve never even met? . . . because my heart longs
for you. It longs for you to have life.”
“I miss you. I love you,” the letter continued. “I’m so
sorry no one loved you.”
In light of all of this, let me point out that it may often seem like
pro-lifers are more concerned about the unborn child, but this is only a short
term perspective. Since the baby in the womb is the one without a voice and the
one whose physical life is in most immediate danger, our first goal is keep the
baby from being killed. Once the baby is safe, the physical and spiritual life of
the mother (as well as others) can also be ministered to and helped. That is
what it means to be completely pro-life. With an attachment as close as that of
the mother and her unborn child, nothing can happen to one without affecting
the other. Because killing a child in the womb is never the best option for the
mother, to save the baby is to care for and help the mother.
~Anna Misko
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Late Term Abortion
Back in May of this year, Kermit Gosnell's face and pictures of his late-term aborted victims were plastered all over social media, along with all of the details of his filthy and illegal practice. People everywhere were disgusted and outraged; good ole' Planned Parenthood even went to Twitter to voice their hypocritical and moronic opinion on the matter-
You know it's bad when Planned Parenthood says that you're appalling. I mean, come on.
Basically, it was horrific; but despite that, there are some things that need to be said. What Gosnell did was terrible, but so are the things that every other abortionist in America does every day. Those late-term babies didn't deserve to die, but neither did all of the first trimester and second trimester babies who were murdered in his clinic. Something we need to remember is this; late term abortions are no morally worse than abortions performed in the very first weeks of pregnancy. Did you get that?
Notice that I said morally worse. I'm willing to admit that seeing an aborted 35 week old baby is harder to stomach than an aborted 10-week old baby. Late term abortions are much more gruesome looking than, say, the baby pictured on the right of this image:
Maybe you feel the same way; maybe you believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder from that point up until a child is born. That's great. But why are we so much more repulsed by late term abortions than by first trimester abortions? Really, why? Because late term babies are bigger, older and capable of life outside the womb? Those things are true, but does that make them more human or more worthy of love than smaller, younger babies? Absolutely not. Unborn children the size of a grain of rice or even the size of your thumb are just as precious as any late term baby boy or girl. They have potential, worth, value and are loved and cherished by the Lord God. They have inalienable God given rights, and they deserve our faithful and unwavering protection!
You know it's bad when Planned Parenthood says that you're appalling. I mean, come on.
Basically, it was horrific; but despite that, there are some things that need to be said. What Gosnell did was terrible, but so are the things that every other abortionist in America does every day. Those late-term babies didn't deserve to die, but neither did all of the first trimester and second trimester babies who were murdered in his clinic. Something we need to remember is this; late term abortions are no morally worse than abortions performed in the very first weeks of pregnancy. Did you get that?
Notice that I said morally worse. I'm willing to admit that seeing an aborted 35 week old baby is harder to stomach than an aborted 10-week old baby. Late term abortions are much more gruesome looking than, say, the baby pictured on the right of this image:
Maybe you feel the same way; maybe you believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder from that point up until a child is born. That's great. But why are we so much more repulsed by late term abortions than by first trimester abortions? Really, why? Because late term babies are bigger, older and capable of life outside the womb? Those things are true, but does that make them more human or more worthy of love than smaller, younger babies? Absolutely not. Unborn children the size of a grain of rice or even the size of your thumb are just as precious as any late term baby boy or girl. They have potential, worth, value and are loved and cherished by the Lord God. They have inalienable God given rights, and they deserve our faithful and unwavering protection!
Please know that my goal is not to minimize or depreciate the horror of late term abortion; my goal is to expose the equally inherent evil and wickedness of ALL abortion.
~ Kaitlin
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Have you ever read something before, and then been like "wow, what a great point!"? I know I have, and one thing comes to mind that I read not long ago.
In a book called "One Heartbeat Away", Mark Cahill gave a perfect description of boundaries. I understood what they were and why they were needed, but I never understood it as fully as I did after reading how he put it into words. Here's the quote.
"...If we live in a world with no rules, we actually have no freedom. We can't really be happy. But when there are boundaries and rules, we have "all the freedom in the world." We can be happy people. Does that sound strange?
"As I talked with a guy one day, I gave him this example: If you were staying on the thirtieth-floor of a hotel, would you go out on the balcony if it were just a slab of concrete, but no railings? Would you put your child out there?
" Of course, you wouldn't. It would be too dangerous. But once you put some good strong railings on the balcony, would you go out there? Would you go out there with your child?
"Sure! Not only would most of us go out there, we would even lean on the railings while we were out there. Why would we want to do this? Once there is a boundary, you have all the freedom you want inside that boundary. You can have lunch out there if you want. Boundaries provide freedom.
"One time in Myrtle Beach, I was talking with two 18-year-olds. They told me they would never become Christians. I asked them why. They said it would take all the fun out of life.
"I looked them in the eye and said "Today there is a zero-per-zero-percent chance that I am going to get someone pregnant. There is a zero-percent chance that I am going to get AIDS today. There is a zero percent chance I am going to get a DUI today. You know there are some pretty good benefits to becoming a Christian?
"Both young men's jaws dropped. They told me that they had never thought about that before. They thought they had freedom, but they really didn't. They thought they could do whatever they wanted too, but they didn't realize they would become slaves to the consequences of their choices."
Boundaries are here for a reason, and if they were used, abortion wouldn't be in its current high demand. Abortion is so rampant because of the lack of obedience to boundaries, not because of lack of boundaries. Making lots of laws (boundaries) is not going to fix it, there are already laws in place! But even more important than man's laws are the laws of God. If we obeyed the command not to be sexually immoral, then there would never be that temptation to murder, lie, and be selfish with an abortion. If we would live according to His word, we would be so much better off and so much FREE-ER! But instead, we have bound ourselves up with sin and play a dangerous game on a 30 floor balcony with no railings. Though we think that abortion will "free us", it's just making it worse. Sin will not free you. Only Jesus Christ will free you.
God set boundaries in place for a reason. It's up to us to follow them.
God set boundaries in place for a reason. It's up to us to follow them.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Excuses For Apathy- Part Two
"I have kids, and I don't want them to be exposed to the unpleasant aspects of pro-life ministry."
Part of me can understand why parents would say this. Pro-life ministry can get ugly; screaming, belligerent men and women, graphic images of aborted babies, and "deathscorts", "security" guards or demonic pro-choicers of some kind are regular occurrences at abortion mills. None of us necessarily want our children or siblings to witness these things, but it hasn't and isn't going to mentally or emotionally scar them in any way. I have 9 siblings, 8 who are younger than me, ranging from 7 months up to 13 years old. They have all been to an abortion clinic, many times in fact; they have seen their parents and big sister screamed and mocked and cussed at, they have seen graphic images depicting the violent act of abortion, and they have witnessed the immature and vile antics of pro-aborts and "security" guards. And yet, *gasp!* they have never repeated the nefarious obscenities that aborting mothers and fathers are prone to holler at our friends and family, and they don't wake screaming in the night with nightmares about aborted babies. Let me explain why.
"My children heard their first curse words, vile music, saw immodest dress, etc. at an abortion center. They had their mother and father beside them, actively engaged in ministry. Instead of being enticed by this sin, they were repulsed. Why? It has everything to do with the context or framework in which they were exposed to it. They get to see sin first hand, see lives broken and destroyed by it, listen to the stories of women and men lamenting the havoc their sin has caused, and see those who continue to harden their hearts against the Gospel. That is real life and I will not keep my children ignorant of this to their own detriment." ~ Lisa Metzger, over at A 2nd Generation of Homeschooling
Just as Lisa states above, it is all about the context of the situation. If children were to observe these things without their parents actively opposing them, that would be very different. But when they see their mother and father and other adults battling against these evil works of darkness, they clearly see them as wrong. They may hear curse words and detestable music, but they also hear the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ being proclaimed, and they see babies saved and lives changed!
I realize that that doesn't explain the whole graphic image issue, but I'm getting to that.
When we first explained to my younger siblings what abortion was, my mom started off by saying, "Some women, when they find out they're pregnant, aren't very happy about it...and they don't want their babies." That in itself was shocking and confusing to them. We have always embraced life and welcomed each new child into our home with joy and excitement, so the fact that some people weren't happy about having a baby didn't make any sense to them. My mom didn't explain every iota of each and every abortion procedure to them, because that isn't necessary, but they did look through some pro-life literature. Inside it was a small card with a graphic picture of a 10 week gestation (if I'm remembering correctly) aborted baby. They didn't go into uncontrollable fits of hysteria, and they didn't become mentally damaged. I have also never heard of that happening to any child after seeing these pictures, and I know dozens of children who are involved in this ministry with their parents. We use graphic signs every day that we are at the abortion mill, and honestly, they don't even pay attention to them. None of us like fact, we hate them and can't stand to look at them, so we simply don't unless we have to. While they are unpleasant, they are just another way of exposing the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11), and have helped to save many babies from death!
Here is something to think about; it is not going to kill your child to take them to an abortion clinic...but your non-presence at that place of death very well may result in the killing of someone else's child.
~ Kaitlin
Part of me can understand why parents would say this. Pro-life ministry can get ugly; screaming, belligerent men and women, graphic images of aborted babies, and "deathscorts", "security" guards or demonic pro-choicers of some kind are regular occurrences at abortion mills. None of us necessarily want our children or siblings to witness these things, but it hasn't and isn't going to mentally or emotionally scar them in any way. I have 9 siblings, 8 who are younger than me, ranging from 7 months up to 13 years old. They have all been to an abortion clinic, many times in fact; they have seen their parents and big sister screamed and mocked and cussed at, they have seen graphic images depicting the violent act of abortion, and they have witnessed the immature and vile antics of pro-aborts and "security" guards. And yet, *gasp!* they have never repeated the nefarious obscenities that aborting mothers and fathers are prone to holler at our friends and family, and they don't wake screaming in the night with nightmares about aborted babies. Let me explain why.
"My children heard their first curse words, vile music, saw immodest dress, etc. at an abortion center. They had their mother and father beside them, actively engaged in ministry. Instead of being enticed by this sin, they were repulsed. Why? It has everything to do with the context or framework in which they were exposed to it. They get to see sin first hand, see lives broken and destroyed by it, listen to the stories of women and men lamenting the havoc their sin has caused, and see those who continue to harden their hearts against the Gospel. That is real life and I will not keep my children ignorant of this to their own detriment." ~ Lisa Metzger, over at A 2nd Generation of Homeschooling
Just as Lisa states above, it is all about the context of the situation. If children were to observe these things without their parents actively opposing them, that would be very different. But when they see their mother and father and other adults battling against these evil works of darkness, they clearly see them as wrong. They may hear curse words and detestable music, but they also hear the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ being proclaimed, and they see babies saved and lives changed!
I realize that that doesn't explain the whole graphic image issue, but I'm getting to that.
When we first explained to my younger siblings what abortion was, my mom started off by saying, "Some women, when they find out they're pregnant, aren't very happy about it...and they don't want their babies." That in itself was shocking and confusing to them. We have always embraced life and welcomed each new child into our home with joy and excitement, so the fact that some people weren't happy about having a baby didn't make any sense to them. My mom didn't explain every iota of each and every abortion procedure to them, because that isn't necessary, but they did look through some pro-life literature. Inside it was a small card with a graphic picture of a 10 week gestation (if I'm remembering correctly) aborted baby. They didn't go into uncontrollable fits of hysteria, and they didn't become mentally damaged. I have also never heard of that happening to any child after seeing these pictures, and I know dozens of children who are involved in this ministry with their parents. We use graphic signs every day that we are at the abortion mill, and honestly, they don't even pay attention to them. None of us like fact, we hate them and can't stand to look at them, so we simply don't unless we have to. While they are unpleasant, they are just another way of exposing the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11), and have helped to save many babies from death!
Here is something to think about; it is not going to kill your child to take them to an abortion clinic...but your non-presence at that place of death very well may result in the killing of someone else's child.
~ Kaitlin
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Excuses For Apathy-Part One
"I don't have time for pro-life ministry."
Your boys play football, your daughter takes piano and dance lessons, you work full time, you're already involved in other things within your are simply too busy for this time consuming ministry. Well guess what, church. Make time.
When you say that you don't have time for pro-life ministry, what you're really saying is, "I have too much going on in my life to save the lives of others. I am simply too consumed with my job and extra curricular activities to take a stand for what I believe in and to obey my God's commands to love my neighbor as myself. Rescuing helpless babies from a cruel and violent death would totally destroy my schedule, so I'll keep re-posting little pro-life graphics on Facebook and comfortably voicing my opinion within my church walls." First of all, that is not pro-life. But I won't get going on that subject because that isn't what this blog post is about and I won't be able to shut up about it. Second of all, do you realize how selfish that sounds, and is?
Your pre-born neighbors are being slaughtered by the thousands every single day, and you "don't have time". A mass murder of the most innocent of our society will take place tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, but you "don't have time". The image of your God is being repeatedly demolished and defiled, but you "don't have time". MAKE TIME! I'm not saying that you have to give every minute of every day to this ministry. But I am saying that if you are a Christian, you need to make some time for it. You work during the week? Go to your local abortion clinic on the weekends. You have classes and responsibilities at your church? Plan around them. Whatever you have to rearrange or re-schedule, do it. This is your responsibility to unborn children as a part of the church of Jesus Christ-take care of it!
Your boys play football, your daughter takes piano and dance lessons, you work full time, you're already involved in other things within your are simply too busy for this time consuming ministry. Well guess what, church. Make time.
When you say that you don't have time for pro-life ministry, what you're really saying is, "I have too much going on in my life to save the lives of others. I am simply too consumed with my job and extra curricular activities to take a stand for what I believe in and to obey my God's commands to love my neighbor as myself. Rescuing helpless babies from a cruel and violent death would totally destroy my schedule, so I'll keep re-posting little pro-life graphics on Facebook and comfortably voicing my opinion within my church walls." First of all, that is not pro-life. But I won't get going on that subject because that isn't what this blog post is about and I won't be able to shut up about it. Second of all, do you realize how selfish that sounds, and is?
Your pre-born neighbors are being slaughtered by the thousands every single day, and you "don't have time". A mass murder of the most innocent of our society will take place tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, but you "don't have time". The image of your God is being repeatedly demolished and defiled, but you "don't have time". MAKE TIME! I'm not saying that you have to give every minute of every day to this ministry. But I am saying that if you are a Christian, you need to make some time for it. You work during the week? Go to your local abortion clinic on the weekends. You have classes and responsibilities at your church? Plan around them. Whatever you have to rearrange or re-schedule, do it. This is your responsibility to unborn children as a part of the church of Jesus Christ-take care of it!
Friday, August 23, 2013
#LifeMatters because it is given to us by God. He has given life to each and every one of the 55 million unborn children who have been so brutally murdered since 1973- since the legalization of child sacrifice. Life is a precious gift from God; and yet it is legally ripped away from children thousands of times every day at the hands of abortionists, and because of the sin and cold-heartedness of mothers and fathers.
#LifeMatters because there are 55,000,000 people missing in our nation. These people could have been doctors, pastors, artists, or writers- but their lives were cut short. Millions of birthdays that were never celebrated, millions of first steps that were never taken, millions of families that were never started. #LifeMatters, because when it is taken away, there are generations and generations that will never exist!
Share the #LifeMatters hashtag on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or your blog, and go here to learn more about this event!
#LifeMatters because there are 55,000,000 people missing in our nation. These people could have been doctors, pastors, artists, or writers- but their lives were cut short. Millions of birthdays that were never celebrated, millions of first steps that were never taken, millions of families that were never started. #LifeMatters, because when it is taken away, there are generations and generations that will never exist!
Share the #LifeMatters hashtag on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or your blog, and go here to learn more about this event!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Several weeks ago, a friend of mine made an excellent point. Marie was visiting from Norway, and came out to minister at the abortion clinic with us while she was in America. One morning as we were standing together on the sidewalk, she turned to me and said "You know what? It's sad how this culture is always talking about "being diverse" and "different", but they want to abort anyone who has special needs. Where's the diversity in that?" Wow. She's right.
What is diversity really about? A white arm, a brown arm? Flip-flops or heels? Baptist, Lutheran, or Presbyterian? Trucks or minivans? In a way we're all unique. Our shapes, sizes, thoughts, language, styles-our DNA. We live our own lives, similar, but different. We're all humans though, made in the image of God, by God, for God. And yes, that does include people with mental disorders, down syndrome, missing eyes, or autism. Right now, with all of us living on the planet, the world is diverse. It was made that way by God. It's good that we have variety. But when we take control and decide who can be included and who cannot, then we spoil the diversity that God created . Ninety percent of babies that have Down Syndrome are aborted. I am not sure what the exact percentage is of other disabled children that are aborted, but I know that it is a lot. Babies with special needs are targeted for abortion, big time. Because of this, we're losing a major contributing people group to our diversity.
During WWII, Hitler was not only on a mission to kill the Jews. He wanted "perfect" people, and he did not deem the disabled to make the cut. We are horrified to think that he starved, gassed, shot, and buried these people alive for the one reason-that they were special needs. But when we're told that thousands of babies are starved, poisoned, crushed, vacuumed and cut apart for the same reason, or any reason, we don't have the reaction that we should. The Nazi Holocaust may be over, but the Modern Day Holocaust of abortion is not. What will you choose to do about it?
What is diversity really about? A white arm, a brown arm? Flip-flops or heels? Baptist, Lutheran, or Presbyterian? Trucks or minivans? In a way we're all unique. Our shapes, sizes, thoughts, language, styles-our DNA. We live our own lives, similar, but different. We're all humans though, made in the image of God, by God, for God. And yes, that does include people with mental disorders, down syndrome, missing eyes, or autism. Right now, with all of us living on the planet, the world is diverse. It was made that way by God. It's good that we have variety. But when we take control and decide who can be included and who cannot, then we spoil the diversity that God created . Ninety percent of babies that have Down Syndrome are aborted. I am not sure what the exact percentage is of other disabled children that are aborted, but I know that it is a lot. Babies with special needs are targeted for abortion, big time. Because of this, we're losing a major contributing people group to our diversity.
During WWII, Hitler was not only on a mission to kill the Jews. He wanted "perfect" people, and he did not deem the disabled to make the cut. We are horrified to think that he starved, gassed, shot, and buried these people alive for the one reason-that they were special needs. But when we're told that thousands of babies are starved, poisoned, crushed, vacuumed and cut apart for the same reason, or any reason, we don't have the reaction that we should. The Nazi Holocaust may be over, but the Modern Day Holocaust of abortion is not. What will you choose to do about it?
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
"...But the Mouth of Fools Poureth Out Foolishness."
When ministering at an abortion clinic, you are pretty much guaranteed to hear some ridiculous, wacky, and sometimes just down-right foolish things. These are some of the worst we've ever heard...brace yourselves.
"I don't care. I'm a ho-mo-sex-u-al." This man, who brought his friend to murder her baby, then proceeded to do back flips across the parking lot. Another couple once ballroom danced across the parking lot...and one time, a pro-choice woman danced around as she mocked us, and then she barked. Yes, I said barked.
"You shouldn't teach your children your political views."
"Get a job."
"Put your kids in school."
Looking at the Malachi sign(s), (picture of a baby boy aborted at 21 weeks), " That's not a baby." Or "That picture is gross. I wouldn't show pictures of my knee during surgery. It's medical and all medical stuff is gross." I think she missed the point.
"I'm here to have a tumor removed." "I'm seeing the eye doctor." Women tell us these things, thinking that we are unaware of the fact that A Preferred Women's Health Center does nothing but abortions or abortion related things...pre-abortion counseling, post-abortion check ups, etc.
A mother referring to her precious unborn child said, "It's a goldfish to be dumped out and stepped on."
One of the abortionists that murders at "our" mill (you can watch a video of him here) once drove up to a counselor's son and screamed, "YOUR PARENTS ARE ABUSING YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? THEY'RE ABUSING YOU!"
One of the security guards (who no longer works there, thank God) threatened to burn Theresa with his cigarette and then blew smoke in her baby brother's face.
A pregnancy center worker's daughter once came to procure an abortion, along with a couple who owned a Christian book store. There are also some people who work there that go to Elevation church and don't want their pastor to find out...we see MANY cars come to this clinic with Elevation car decals. We've also seen pro-life license plate frames that say things like "No matter what...for LIFE! RELAX! God's in charge." And "Pro-God, Pro-gun, Pro-life."
"I know what my Bible says." A friend of an aborting mother said this to a sidewalk counselor about thirty seconds before she cussed them out.
There is also a homosexual church attending friend of the abortionist's...this man has come to the mill to pick up money from him (blood money!) for a MISSIONS TRIP! You can't make this stuff up!
There are men who come with N.O.W to protest us (National Organization for Women). That in itself is ludicrous...I like what a friend and fellow sidewalk counselor said. "Apparently their famous chant doesn't apply here. 'Where's your uterus? Where's your uterus?"
A couple of weeks ago a man said to a female counselor, "I wish I could take you inside and abort you."
A man brought his daughter to have an abortion, and when my mother addressed him he told her that she should be ashamed of herself for letting her kids play in the dirt. My siblings weren't even playing in the dirt at the time, and even if they had what?! This man's grandchild was being murdered and all he could do was stand outside and insult people. Oh yeah...he was also buying potted plants off the back of someone's truck with his wife. Again, you can't make this up!
Many of us have been mooned, cussed and screamed at, flipped off, and threatened in various ways...but none of this is to brag about how we have been "persecuted" or how we have "suffered" for God, but only to shed some light on what this ministry really looks like. As you now see, it isn't pretty.
Oh! I almost forgot...this is by far the most common line we hear out there. You're bound to hear it screamed across the parking lot, or maybe chanted from someone's car as they speed away any and every day that you're on the sidewalk.
~ Kaitlin
"The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright; but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness." ~ Proverbs 15:2
"I don't care. I'm a ho-mo-sex-u-al." This man, who brought his friend to murder her baby, then proceeded to do back flips across the parking lot. Another couple once ballroom danced across the parking lot...and one time, a pro-choice woman danced around as she mocked us, and then she barked. Yes, I said barked.
"You shouldn't teach your children your political views."
"Get a job."
"Put your kids in school."
Looking at the Malachi sign(s), (picture of a baby boy aborted at 21 weeks), " That's not a baby." Or "That picture is gross. I wouldn't show pictures of my knee during surgery. It's medical and all medical stuff is gross." I think she missed the point.
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A Malachi sign. |
"I'm here to have a tumor removed." "I'm seeing the eye doctor." Women tell us these things, thinking that we are unaware of the fact that A Preferred Women's Health Center does nothing but abortions or abortion related things...pre-abortion counseling, post-abortion check ups, etc.
A mother referring to her precious unborn child said, "It's a goldfish to be dumped out and stepped on."
One of the abortionists that murders at "our" mill (you can watch a video of him here) once drove up to a counselor's son and screamed, "YOUR PARENTS ARE ABUSING YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? THEY'RE ABUSING YOU!"
One of the security guards (who no longer works there, thank God) threatened to burn Theresa with his cigarette and then blew smoke in her baby brother's face.
A pregnancy center worker's daughter once came to procure an abortion, along with a couple who owned a Christian book store. There are also some people who work there that go to Elevation church and don't want their pastor to find out...we see MANY cars come to this clinic with Elevation car decals. We've also seen pro-life license plate frames that say things like "No matter what...for LIFE! RELAX! God's in charge." And "Pro-God, Pro-gun, Pro-life."
"I know what my Bible says." A friend of an aborting mother said this to a sidewalk counselor about thirty seconds before she cussed them out.
There is also a homosexual church attending friend of the abortionist's...this man has come to the mill to pick up money from him (blood money!) for a MISSIONS TRIP! You can't make this stuff up!
There are men who come with N.O.W to protest us (National Organization for Women). That in itself is ludicrous...I like what a friend and fellow sidewalk counselor said. "Apparently their famous chant doesn't apply here. 'Where's your uterus? Where's your uterus?"
A couple of weeks ago a man said to a female counselor, "I wish I could take you inside and abort you."
A man brought his daughter to have an abortion, and when my mother addressed him he told her that she should be ashamed of herself for letting her kids play in the dirt. My siblings weren't even playing in the dirt at the time, and even if they had what?! This man's grandchild was being murdered and all he could do was stand outside and insult people. Oh yeah...he was also buying potted plants off the back of someone's truck with his wife. Again, you can't make this up!
Many of us have been mooned, cussed and screamed at, flipped off, and threatened in various ways...but none of this is to brag about how we have been "persecuted" or how we have "suffered" for God, but only to shed some light on what this ministry really looks like. As you now see, it isn't pretty.
Oh! I almost forgot...this is by far the most common line we hear out there. You're bound to hear it screamed across the parking lot, or maybe chanted from someone's car as they speed away any and every day that you're on the sidewalk.
~ Kaitlin
"The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright; but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness." ~ Proverbs 15:2
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Abortion Mill- Wednesday, August 7th, '13
A Preferred Women's Health Center was busy has actually been much busier than usual for the past week, and we're wondering if it's because an abortion clinic in Ashville, NC was recently shut down. You can read about that here. There were eighteen cars in the parking lot when we left at noon, but they do abortions until 2 o'clock, so more people probably came after we were gone.
We were only able to have a couple of conversations...a counselor tried to talk to one woman and she yelled over and over, "All you do is judge! All you do is judge! You're not God, but all you do is judge!"
Theresa's mom and two other counselors are talking to a 16 year old (we'll call her "J") in this picture. She was counseled for nearly half an hour, but ended up going in to murder her baby anyway. As far as we know, she went through with the abortion.
No women chose life, (that we know of) but many heard the truth and Jesus was glorified!
~ Kaitlin
We were only able to have a couple of conversations...a counselor tried to talk to one woman and she yelled over and over, "All you do is judge! All you do is judge! You're not God, but all you do is judge!"
Theresa's mom and two other counselors are talking to a 16 year old (we'll call her "J") in this picture. She was counseled for nearly half an hour, but ended up going in to murder her baby anyway. As far as we know, she went through with the abortion.
No women chose life, (that we know of) but many heard the truth and Jesus was glorified!
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Theresa with Malachi |
~ Kaitlin
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Saved by Heroin
Several weeks ago, when we were coming back from Raleigh, a man stopped me. I was carrying a graphic sign of Malachi, a child aborted at 21 weeks. Normally, if people come up to you when you are holding a sign like this, they curse you out, or tell you that you're horrible, or things similar to that. So I was expecting this response as he approached. But when he came up to me, he said, (while pointing at Malachi) "My mom wanted to do that to me. She wanted to abort me." He went on to tell me that he was alive because his dad was a drug addict. He said that if his father had not spent the money on heroin, he would not be alive today. Wow.
I was reflecting on this the other night, and I started thinking about the hundreds, thousands, millions-of people who couldn't walk up to someone and say that they had been saved because of ____ and you fill in the blank. How many have lost this ability of speech because they had been killed? How many will lose this chance tomorrow? The next day? Next week, month, year? And how many will die for the one reason that we aren't doing anything about abortion? How many babies destroyed because we wouldn't get up and offer true love, and hope and help through the gospel of Jesus Christ? I have heard many women say "if someone had told me not to, then I would not have killed my baby" "If someone had stood outside this clinic then I would not have killed my baby".
Do we really care? Be honest. Does it really matter to us whether the abortion holocaust continues or not? Maybe in the back of our minds it matters in the long run, but we don't really care enough to do something about it now. We sit at home, checking our email, feeding our kids, and going to our churches. We think, and pray on the subject sometimes, but we do not really care. We don't care enough. It matters to God-it should matter to us! God cares for us, why should we not care for our neighbor? This neighbor-our unseen neighbor (unless on an ultrasound screen) is in desperate need of assistance-in desperate need of care. She/he needs our voices to speak, our hand and feet to act, our hearts to love. It does not matter if we think we are equipped enough or not. If God can use heroin, God can use us.
I was reflecting on this the other night, and I started thinking about the hundreds, thousands, millions-of people who couldn't walk up to someone and say that they had been saved because of ____ and you fill in the blank. How many have lost this ability of speech because they had been killed? How many will lose this chance tomorrow? The next day? Next week, month, year? And how many will die for the one reason that we aren't doing anything about abortion? How many babies destroyed because we wouldn't get up and offer true love, and hope and help through the gospel of Jesus Christ? I have heard many women say "if someone had told me not to, then I would not have killed my baby" "If someone had stood outside this clinic then I would not have killed my baby".
Do we really care? Be honest. Does it really matter to us whether the abortion holocaust continues or not? Maybe in the back of our minds it matters in the long run, but we don't really care enough to do something about it now. We sit at home, checking our email, feeding our kids, and going to our churches. We think, and pray on the subject sometimes, but we do not really care. We don't care enough. It matters to God-it should matter to us! God cares for us, why should we not care for our neighbor? This neighbor-our unseen neighbor (unless on an ultrasound screen) is in desperate need of assistance-in desperate need of care. She/he needs our voices to speak, our hand and feet to act, our hearts to love. It does not matter if we think we are equipped enough or not. If God can use heroin, God can use us.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Abortion Mill- Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Abortion mill ministry was relatively uneventful today, if you can call standing outside of such an evil place for 2 1/2 hours "uneventful". The clinic that we minister at every week hires "security" guards to sit outside and watch us (because we're just SO dangerous and angry). Their job is basically to intimidate us, blast vile music from their cars to drown out the preaching, and make sure that we don't step onto their property. There was a new man there today, working by himself. Pray for him!
The parking lot was VERY full for a Wednesday. I normally count how many cars come in; it slipped my mind today, but there were many more than usual. A group of people who normally go to a different clinic to minister showed up today, which was nice, because the men in the group preached on our sound system. Normally me, my family and two other women are the only people defending these babies on Wednesdays!
We of course had the typical middle fingers, mocking laughter and angry shouting- one teenaged boy actually threatened to "come down there" and punch every one of us in the face. You kind of get used to that. But one baby was spared! We found out from another counselor that a girl changed her mind after we had gone home. She came outside, all smiles, and told him that she chose LIFE! This is what it's all about, people. Praise Jesus!!
~ Kaitlin
The parking lot was VERY full for a Wednesday. I normally count how many cars come in; it slipped my mind today, but there were many more than usual. A group of people who normally go to a different clinic to minister showed up today, which was nice, because the men in the group preached on our sound system. Normally me, my family and two other women are the only people defending these babies on Wednesdays!
We of course had the typical middle fingers, mocking laughter and angry shouting- one teenaged boy actually threatened to "come down there" and punch every one of us in the face. You kind of get used to that. But one baby was spared! We found out from another counselor that a girl changed her mind after we had gone home. She came outside, all smiles, and told him that she chose LIFE! This is what it's all about, people. Praise Jesus!!
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My sweet baby brother was with us on the sidewalks this morning! |
~ Kaitlin
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
What Abortion Really Does for Men and Women
We encounter abortion-minded men and women every week, and the majority of the time they believe that abortion will solve their problems...that if they can just get the "procedure" over with, everything will be okay and that life will go back to normal. Whether they can't afford a baby, they think they're too young to be mothers and fathers, or any other reason you can think of, they think that abortion is going to fix all of that; when really, abortion just creates more problems. When a woman murders her child there will be regret, shame and/or depression somewhere down the road, and for some women these problems occur immediately; for others, it can take years.
"After the abortion, the absolute finality of death hit with astounding power. That baby, that child, was gone forever, and there was nothing-absolutely nothing- I could do to recall my decision." - David, father of an aborted child.
"The moment I had my abortion I knew, I knew that I would forever be a damaged individual. That no matter how hard I tried, no matter what I did, whatever I sacrificed, I could never bring my baby back. I could never undo the things I did that day." -Sandee
"After my abortion, babies in general held a new meaning to me. I'd stare at the mothers I'd see holding babies intensely and imagine having and holding the baby I had lost. I would frequently try to "guess" what my baby would have looked like, what she would have been like, felt like." -Colleen
I could go on and on with these testimonies...sadly, there are millions. Does it sound like these people's problems were solved? Does it sound like murdering their babies made everything okay? No, it does not.
Women have fought hard for the right to do what they want with "their" bodies, believing that having the right to slaughter their unborn children whom they refer to as "blobs of tissue" was going to be an empowering and liberating prerogative. In reality all they have done is commit 55,000,000 murders since 1973, and that unfathomable number is ticking higher and higher with every passing minute. A third of our nation's women have become murderers through the sin of abortion, which means you more than likely know at least one woman who has aborted her baby. It could be your teacher, your neighbor, your mother, a woman in your church...or it could be you. If you are a man or woman suffering from an abortion, there is hope and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, and we want to help you find that! Email us; we will help you and pray for you.
~ Kaitlin
"After the abortion, the absolute finality of death hit with astounding power. That baby, that child, was gone forever, and there was nothing-absolutely nothing- I could do to recall my decision." - David, father of an aborted child.
"The moment I had my abortion I knew, I knew that I would forever be a damaged individual. That no matter how hard I tried, no matter what I did, whatever I sacrificed, I could never bring my baby back. I could never undo the things I did that day." -Sandee
"After my abortion, babies in general held a new meaning to me. I'd stare at the mothers I'd see holding babies intensely and imagine having and holding the baby I had lost. I would frequently try to "guess" what my baby would have looked like, what she would have been like, felt like." -Colleen
I could go on and on with these testimonies...sadly, there are millions. Does it sound like these people's problems were solved? Does it sound like murdering their babies made everything okay? No, it does not.
Women have fought hard for the right to do what they want with "their" bodies, believing that having the right to slaughter their unborn children whom they refer to as "blobs of tissue" was going to be an empowering and liberating prerogative. In reality all they have done is commit 55,000,000 murders since 1973, and that unfathomable number is ticking higher and higher with every passing minute. A third of our nation's women have become murderers through the sin of abortion, which means you more than likely know at least one woman who has aborted her baby. It could be your teacher, your neighbor, your mother, a woman in your church...or it could be you. If you are a man or woman suffering from an abortion, there is hope and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, and we want to help you find that! Email us; we will help you and pray for you.
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"Memorial for Unborn Children" |
~ Kaitlin
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Rallying in Raleigh
Where to begin on things like this? If you don't know, there was a piece of legislation in the Senate and General Assembly this past week that would raise the standards for abortion mills, abortion doctors, and abortion "safety". Because most abortion mills cannot meet these higher standards (doctors have bad medical records, no hospital privileges, the mills have been shut down, were dirty, and not even meeting the LOW criteria for abortion mills now), this would force many abortion facilities to close. If not closed long term, they could be shut down temporarily. Now I'm not into politics. Really I'm like so NOT into politics, I didn't even know about the bill or the rallies, until last night. But hey, that was enough time to jump in the van and head out! (And fyi, to keep things straight, we did not go for political reasons. We went for showing the truth reasons)
We actually didn't go for the bill at all, just for the NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) rally. And as I'm sure you can figure out pretty quickly that we didn't go to rally with them, we went to protest against them. Why didn't we go for the bill? Because you see, the bill really isn't that great. Why? It doesn't outlaw abortion! What is the use of making the mom "safer" while she kills her child? Abortion is murder, and whether or not the murder of kids is supposedly safer for the mother or not doesn't really matter. What matters is that no matter what, children are being slaughtered, and that needs to be stopped. The only good thing about this bill is that it would shut abortion mills down (like APWHC), thus saving the lives of countless children. We did not go to stand outside the buildings for a bill that keeps abortion legal. We went and stood to show the real truth of abortion to all the NARAL people gathered on the mall (and to anyone else who would look our way or speak with us).
Oh, and while we were there standing peacefully with our signs, before their rally even really started, we were kicked out. Who knew there were 4 branches of police in the Capitol? (State, City, County, and Legislative police!) As it turns out, you have to go through the system and have a permit in order to have freedom of speech. And because the Planned Parenthood people had the permit, we were denied free speech. This did not stop us though, we stood around the corner from the NARAL rally and held our signs toward traffic, and towards the NARAL people on their way out. Thankfully, before we got kicked out (and while we were getting kicked out) the news came to interview us so at least there was a voice for the voiceless on TV and the web. (I have to say though, the police there were some of the nicest ones we've encountered so far.)
I was able to get a few pictures because we were allowed to go back onto the mall without signs if we didn't protest. Mom wasn't to keen about me going alone, but a friend of a friend of ours, Chuck, let me go with him so I was able to take some pics. :) At first they (the NARAL people) thought we were with them....but they were wrong. And no, we didn't get arrested. I had a really hard time though not stirring up trouble. It's really hard not to say something when you see their signs. I did ask a few women about the gags they had on, but I didn't really engage anyone in a conversation. Next time we do something like this I'll do a video interview though, just so you can hear some of the things these people say. It makes my heart heavy to think that all these people, who are made in the image of God, are actively killing and promoting the killing of innocent little human beings also made in the image of God.
When will we stop fiddling around with this? What will it take to say "you know what, abortion is murder, and God says murder is wrong?" And to not just say it, but believe it. And not just believe it but act upon it. What are we scared of? Truth?! How we'll be seen in the eyes of men?!! Come out into the light! We need to stop sitting off in the shadows letting the world get the best of us and the unborn children in our nation. We need to stop, NOW. (and no, that does not stand for National Organization of Women, a pro-abortion group)
I was able to get a few pictures because we were allowed to go back onto the mall without signs if we didn't protest. Mom wasn't to keen about me going alone, but a friend of a friend of ours, Chuck, let me go with him so I was able to take some pics. :) At first they (the NARAL people) thought we were with them....but they were wrong. And no, we didn't get arrested. I had a really hard time though not stirring up trouble. It's really hard not to say something when you see their signs. I did ask a few women about the gags they had on, but I didn't really engage anyone in a conversation. Next time we do something like this I'll do a video interview though, just so you can hear some of the things these people say. It makes my heart heavy to think that all these people, who are made in the image of God, are actively killing and promoting the killing of innocent little human beings also made in the image of God.
The Planned Parenthood NARAL rally |
My sister Elizabeth holding a sign |
One of the several signs showing what happens when a mother makes the choice to abort |
My brother Stephen holding a sign |
The "sea" of pink |
Our whole group, excluding Chuck and myself |
Sweet Ms. Brooke had a sign on her back so when she went into the legislative building she could still get the message across even though she wasn't allowed to speak audibly. |
Wait a minute...ordering an abortion mill to have higher cleanliness standards and higher medical standards will harm women? |
This old guy was a trip.... |
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They chanted "shame, shame shame" that we would shouldn't let women kill their own kids |
Sure! But your baby's body: God's decision. |
Hmmm....I'd better quit now before I get too sarcastic. |
Where are the baby shoes? |
There was actually a decent number of men in pink there. Cowards. |
This young woman cursed my mom up and down as soon as she got there. |
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My brother Joshua, being a real trooper for Jesus, shining a light on all of that darkness. |
Monday, July 1, 2013
Some Photos of Training
our new Charlotte Cities4Life banner |
Word of Grace Community church who kindly let us use their building |
The Cities4Life table had a map of where the abortion clinics are, info as to how you can get involved, literature, brochures, sign up sheets and much more! |
Cities4Life brochures |
a very burry picture of training |
half way through the training the kids made signs to hold at the mill the next day |
making signs |
"God loves you and your baby" |
"Don't kill your baby!" |
afterward, a Cities4Life team leader talks with a new family |
Saturday I was only able to take 3 pictures because the lens fogged up with the humidity which will ruin a camera, so I had to put it up. It was a blessing to minister with these fellow believers, and even though there were no babies saved we know that the Word of God does not return void.
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